HOSA, Key Club, and DECA are some of the most known clubs at Hazen and have been around for a long time. Key Club and Hosa meet on Mondays, and Deca meets on Tuesdays. While HOSA and DECA are both competition and networking-based clubs, Key Club primarily focuses on networking and building connections relating to serving the community.
To learn more about all three clubs and find out if any of these clubs are a good fit for you, members from each club were interviewed and asked to share what they do for their club.
Lyncee Nguyen (10) has been a member of Hazen’s Key Club since her freshman year and started her term as a bulletin editor in March 2024 at DCON. She joined Key Club because she wanted opportunities to help improve her community and connect with new peers who have the same interest in service. Key Club is one of Lyncee’s biggest passions because of how impactful it is on our community. She loves being able to have fun and engage in volunteer opportunities that benefit everyone. Key Club has introduced her to so many amazing people and says Key Clubbers are extremely welcoming and fun to be around, which is why she enjoys the club so much.
Kyly Diep (11) has been a part of Key Club for three years. Started her freshman year as a member, then Key Club secretary her sophomore year, and now is LTG (Lieutenant Governor) in her junior year. Being LTG is a higher role compared to club level. She is a leader for 9 different schools’ Key Clubs. Kyly helps give resources to the clubs from the district level, guides them through their term, and hosts events to connect all 9 schools in the division. She joined because she heard about the impact of community service and how it helps the people around her and wanted to be a part of it. After spending one year in Key Club, she felt like she was a part of a community and enjoyed bonding with people who also find joy in making a difference with their service projects. She feels like she is part of a family with not only Hazen Key Club but also other Key Clubs. Getting to help people is what makes Kyly happy, and getting to see all that they have accomplished.
Shuhala Hoque (12) has been in DECA since her sophomore year and joined DECA because of the cool opportunities it brought people. She was hesitant at first because it seemed very intimidating, but once she was able to learn about all of the different types of competitions, she was excited to see that there was something for everyone. Shuhala’s position on the board is Vice President of Leadership, which means organizing events and acting as a project manager. Shuhala really enjoys competitions and meeting people from all over the state. During area and state competitions, she was able to make so many new friends and memories. Another thing she enjoys is being on the board. She loves being able to mentor new members who were in her position when she first started.
Louis Lam (11) joined DECA his sophomore year and started his junior year as a board member. Louis’ position is the Vice President of Hospitality. He first heard of DECA when he took an entrepreneurship class with Ms. Crow back in his sophomore year. She told him he should join, so he attended a meeting, knew a few people there, and decided to attend the area comp and placed 5th for the Entrepreneurship role play. What Louis enjoys most about DECA is working with other board members! They’re all down-to-earth and funny.
Nika Roshak (11) joined HOSA at the end of her freshman year because she was interested in the medical field and wanted to learn more about it. She is now the community outreach coordinator, and her primary event is sports medicine, along with doing medical assisting. Nika enjoys traveling for competitions and doing events with her friends.
Christina Troung (12) has been in Hosa since her freshman year and originally joined because her sister convinced her to, so she wanted to follow in her footsteps. Christina is the president of Hosa and has tried a lot of different events throughout her time in the club. She has tried events such as Home Health Aide, but she’s found one of her favorite events is veterinary science, as she was able to become an international finalist. Her favorite thing about Hosa is the people. At the end of the day, she always remembers everyone will be cheering each other on, and they have funny moments together at team dinners.
All of these students have similar things in common, even within their different clubs. They have found friendships, new interests, and new memories from trying something new. Hazen has many opportunities within each club, so don’t miss out on a new experience.