Hey Highlanders, we’re back with another 50 People for you! Obviously, life isn’t easy. There are many obstacles we all have to overcome, and sometimes, we need good advice to help get us through it. We asked students for a piece of advice they would give someone if they asked them for some help.
- “A piece of advice I would give to someone is to be yourself and never change for anyone.” – Sasha Marith (11)
- “Don’t care about what others think of you, always be yourself, no matter what.” – Jordan Ness (10)
- “A piece of advice I would give to someone is to not let idiots ruin your day.” – Benji Samjic (10)
- “If you want something, then work for it.” – Eli Hollander (10)
- “To be yourself and not to change for others no matter who the person is.” – Lubava Kochergina (9)
- “Always make sure to be proactive, I know that sometimes it’s hard to put yourself first, but it will be really important later on.” – Marisa Arensberg (12)
- “Always treat others the way that you want to be treated.” – Emanuiel Cislaru (9)
- “Don’t let what other people say affect you.” – Cecilia Gonzalez (10)
- “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket because if the basket breaks then you’ll have nothing left.” – Destiny Chhay (10)
- “To appreciate all the little moments in your life especially with your friends and family.” – Andrea Gimenez (10)
- “To always work hard and stay consistent.” – Kenzie Galliano (10)
- “Don’t care too much about what’s going on, especially because you’re still young.” – Hannah Mattson (11)
- “Don’t listen to what other people have to say, because usually it’s not correct… You’re the only person who knows you.” – Ethan Dyer (10)
- “Consider different career paths early in your life because knowing what you want to do in high school is really nice.” – Conner Brunner (10)
- “Make sure to focus on yourself and put yourself first.” – Jaesi Hayes (10)
- “Don’t care about what others think of you and live your life how you want to.” – America Vazquez (10)
- “Don’t be so self-centered and look at life with a positive outlook.” – Livia Davidson (10)
- “A smart man knows what he knows and he also knows what he doesn’t know.” – Zan Siebersma (11)
- “Don’t procrastinate.” – Dylan Shin (9)
- “Don’t forget to take care of yourself.” – Jayden Jones (9)
- “Use your brain and don’t be stupid.” – Avie Dombroski (9)
- “Start your work during class so you have motivation to do it later.” – Nya Kunigk (9)
- “If they will watch you sacrifice for them, but won’t sacrifice for you, they ain’t worth it.” – Tiana Flores (10)
- “Don’t make plans final.” – Owen Collins (11)
- “Focus on school, get your grades up, and be a good student.” – Julian Garcia Contreras (10)
- “If you want to do something, go for it. You only live once.” – Brooklyn Paternoster (10)
- “Focus on the bread.” – Vishon Antoine (11)
- “Be comfortable as yourself.” – Anwar Tammam (11)
- “Focus on yourself before you focus on other people.” – Maurice Jones (11)
- “If you have to do something, just get it over with.” – Christian Moral (10)
- “Don’t let anyone tell you how to be you.” – Aidan Jay (10)
- “It’s okay to not be okay.” – Brody Wik (10)
- “Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove.” – Markus Volkovskiy (10)
- “Everyone essentially has the same problems, and you can imagine that they are facing the same thing, so always remember to be kind.” – Andrew Dun (11)
- “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” – Alex Chadrow (10)
- “The person you know as yourself today won’t be the same person tomorrow. It is your duty to adapt to the change and community you surround yourself with, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Enjoy yourself because it’s true, high school goes by too fast.” – Jeffrey Basilio (10)
- “Never stop growing and learning as a person.” – Sam Bowen (9)
- “If you’re going to do something, then you gotta put effort into it.” – Rowan George (9)
- “Don’t expect anything from anybody.” – Isabella Ruf (10)
- “Try and focus on yourself the most and try not to focus too much on what other people think of you.”– Katarina Gardiner (10)
- “Don’t care too much about what other people think of you.” – McKinley Garrett (11)
- “I think everyone should work hard whether they do or don’t have money for school because there’s always a chance to get a really good life, it can happen and you should never risk it all.” – Yudhistar Dubbaka (9)
- “If you want something badly enough, don’t just drop down and get it.” – Chyann Pearman (10)
- “Don’t always trust what people say.” – Clara Affleck (10)
- “My advice is to always trust your gut because it’s never going to be wrong.” – Lanaira Inthavong (10)
- “If you put enough effort into anything, it will always work out.” -Grey Singley (9)
- “Be who you want to be, no matter what anybody thinks. It doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with yourself.” – Edwin Subuyuji (10)
- “I would say do what you want to do instead of what others tell you to do…You just have to make yourself happy.” – Jane Barrion (10)
- “Be who you are and follow your heart.” – Gabriel Pivoda (10)“
- My advice is to always do well in school.” – Asya Rustempasic (9)